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1990 - 1984

Wittchen, H.-U. & Essau, C.A. (1990).  Assessment of symptoms and psychological disabilities in primary care. In N. Sartorius et al. (Eds.), Psychological disorders in general medical settings (111-136). Toronto: Hogrefe & Huber Publishers. ISBN: 3456818513; 0920887597


Wittchen, H.-U. & Essau, C.A. (1990). Epidemiology of panic attacks, panic disorder, and agoraphobia. In J.R. Walker, R. Norton & C. Ross (Eds.), Panic disorder and agoraphobia. A guide for the practitioner (103-149). Chicago/Illinois: Brooks/Cole Publishing Company.


Wittchen, H.-U. et al. (1990). Interrater reliability of the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI): Results of the Multicenter WHO/ADAMHA Field Trials (Wave I). In C.N. Stefanis, A.D. Rabavilas & C.R. Soldatos (Eds.), Psychiatry: A world perspective, volume 1 (125-132). Amsterdam: Excerpta Medica.


Cottler, L. et al. (1990). Cross-cultural reliability and acceptability of the CIDI-Core substance abuse and dependence questions. In C.N. Stefanis, A.D. Rabavilas & C.R. Soldatos (Eds.), Psychiatry: A world perspective, volume 1 (144-152). Amsterdam: Excerpta Medica.


Wittchen, H.-U. & Essau, C.A. (1990). Methodological challenges in the assessment of mental disorders in primary care. In C.N. Stefanis, A.D. Rabavilas, C.R. Soldatos (Eds.), Psychiatry: A world perspective, volume 4 (89-95). Amsterdam: Excerpta Medica.


Wittchen, H.-U. & Essau, C.A. (1990). Die Verläßigkeit von Zeit- und Verlaufsparametern in standardisierten diagnostischen Interviews. In U. Baumann, E. Fähndrich, R.D. Stieglitz & B. Woggon (Hrsg.), Veränderungsmessung in Psychiatrie und Klinischer Psychologie (272-284). München: Profil Verlag GmbH.


Wittchen, H.-U. & Essau, C. (1989). Comorbidity of anxiety disorders and depression: Does it affect course and outcome? Journal of Psychiatry and Psychobiology, 4, 315-323.


Wittchen, H.-U., Essau, C.A., Hecht, H., Teder, W. & Pfister, H. (1989). Reliability of life event assessments: Test-retest reliability and fall-off effects of the Munich Interview for the Assessment of Life Events and Conditions. Journal of Affective Disorders, 16, 77-91.


Essau, C.A. & Coates, M.B. (1988). The effects of parental style on anxiety and behavior pattern. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 67, 333-334.


Essau, C.A. & Jamieson, J. (1987). Heart rate perception in the Type A personality. Health Psychology, 6, 43-54.


Essau, C.A. (1987). Type A personality and discrepancies between self-report and heart rate responses to stress. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 64, 544-546.

psychological testing and assessment, clinical psychology, evidence based psychological interventions, adolescent researcher, Youth mental health

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