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Research interests include:  


-   Epidemiology and Comorbidity of Child and Adolescent Mental Health  

-   Mental Health Prevention & Obesity Prevention in Children

-   Evidence based psychological interventions

-   Mental Health Literacy

-   Domestic Violence & Psychopathic Traits

-   Cross-cultural Psychology

-   Psychological Testing and Assessment

-   Procrastination 

Externally-funded Research Projects




Current and Recent


  • Promoting mental health among at-risk adolescents in Malaysia (Grant: Kavli Trust Programme for Health Research).



  • A multi-perspective analysis of university students' personal mental health and well-being capital and its effect on their life outcomes. (Grant: Economic and Social Research Council, UK). Project in collaboration with: University of Surrey and the Institute of Psychiatry.


      See project website for details:​​



  • “Treatnet Family Intervention” for adolescents with Substance Use Disorders: A Feasibility Study in Jakarta, Indonesia. (Project of the United Nations Office on Drug and Crime). << Read more >>


  • Extending the reach, impact and sustainability of ToyBox Study Malaysia: A kindergarten-based healthy behaviour intervention. (Grant: British Council in partnership with UK Research and Innovation on behalf of UK Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS): Newton Fund Impact Scheme (MR/V00607X/1). Project in collaboration with: Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Durham University, Roehampton University [lead]). << Read more >>


  • “Treatnet Family Intervention” for adolescents with Substance Use Disorders: A Feasibility Study in Hanoi, Vietnam. (Project of the United Nations Office on Drug and Crime)​


  • Improving healthy energy balance- and obesity-related behaviours among preschoolers in Malaysia: Feasibility of adapting the ToyBox-Study. (Grant: UK Medical Research Council (MR/P013805/1). Project in collaboration with: Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Durham University, Harokopio University, Athens, Greece, Roehampton University [lead])


  • Enhancing psychological well-being of pupils in transition from primary to secondary school (Grant: Funded by The Wandsworth Clinical Commissioning Group). << Read more >>


  • Protecting infants and toddlers from domestic violence: Development of a diagnostic protocol for infant and toddler abuse and neglect and its implementation to public health system (Grant: The European Commission: Directorate-General Justice; DAPHNE III).          << Read more >>





  • Anxiety among adolescents in Pakistan: From epidemiology to prevention (in collaboration with: Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi, Pakistan) (Grant: The Higher Education Commission [HEC] in Pakistan) & British Council INSPIRE Strategic Partnerships fund). << Read more >>


  • Psychological impact of the Tohoku Pacific Earthquake and Tsunami in Japanese children (Grant: The Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation). << Read more >>


  • Development of employability and entrepreneurship skills training programme for students at the University of Ibadan (Grant: The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills). << Read more >>


  • Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment in Wandsworth (Grant: The Wandsworth Borough Council)


  • Outline monitoring requirements for the Winstanley & York Road Estates Programme (Grant: The Wandsworth Borough Council)


  • Evaluation of the Roehampton Challenge (Grant: The Wandsworth Borough Council)


  • Evaluation of the Evaluation of the Wandsworth AIR Football Sports and Personal Development Project (Grant: The Wandsworth Borough Council)


  • Examining the efficacy of a robot in teaching social interaction in children with autism (Grant: The University of Hertfordshire)​


  • Early intervention for social anxiety in school children (Sub-contract with the Catholic Children Society; Grant: The Education, Children's and Cultural Services Directorate of the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames)​


  • Anxiety symptoms across two generations of the same families in Japan and in the UK (Grant: British Council under the PMI2 Strategic Alliances and Partnerships project, Research Co-operation)


  • Development of employability and entrepreneurship skills training programme for students at the University of Ibadan (Grant: The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills)


  • Emotion regulation among young adults in Japan and in the UK (Grant: Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation)


  • Anxiety prevention in young people with Williams Syndrome (Grant: Williams Syndrome Foundation)


  • Social anxiety and Taijin Kyofusho symptoms in England and Japan: A cross-cultural comparison (Grant: The British Academy and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science)


  • A cross-cultural study on anxiety and fears among children and adolescents in Japan and in Great Britain (Grant: The Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation)


  • Prevention of anxiety and depression in children (Grant: Dr. Karl-Wilder Stiftung)


  • Impact of parental unemployment on children's psychological well-being (Grant: German DAAD and the Polish Committee for Scientific Research [Komitet Badan Naukowych, KBN])


  • Anxiety symptoms among children and adolescents in Hong Kong and in Germany (Grant: DAAD and Hong Kong Research Council)​


  • Risk-taking behavior in German and Hungarian adolescents (Grant: DAAD and Hungarian Scholarship Board)


  • Cross-cultural study of anxiety symptoms and disorders in children (Grant: University of Muenster and the Nippon Foundation)


  • Epidemiology of psychiatric disorders in adolescents (Grant: German Research Council)


  • Intervention of depressive disorders in children and adolescents (Grant: University of Bremen and the Ministry of Education, Science, Arts, and Sport)


  • Prevention of depressive disorders in children and adolescents (Grant: University of Bremen and the Ministry of Education, Science, Arts, and Sport)


  • Control orientation and depression in adolescents (Grant: German DAAD and the American Council of Learned Societies)






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psychological testing and assessment, clinical psychology, evidence based psychological interventions, adolescent researcher, Youth mental health

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