Professor of Developmental Psychopathology
University of Roehampton, London, UK
Visiting Professor
University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia
Current and Recent Projects
Promoting mental health among at-risk adolescents in Malaysia (MyHeRo Study). (Grant: Kavli Trust)
A multi-perspective analysis of university students' personal mental health and well-being capital and its effect on their life outcomes. (Project in collaboration with: University of Surrey and the Institute of Psychiatry). (Grant: Economic and Social Research Council, UK)
“Treatnet Family Intervention” for adolescents with Substance Use Disorders: A Feasibility Study in Jakarta, Indonesia. (Project of the United Nations Office on Drug and Crime)
Extending the reach, impact and sustainability of ToyBox Study Malaysia: A kindergarten-based healthy behaviour intervention. (Grant: Funded by the British Council in partnership with UK Research and Innovation on behalf of UK Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS): Newton Fund Impact Scheme (MR/V00607X/1). Project in collaboration with: Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Durham University, Roehampton University [lead])
Improving healthy energy balance- and obesity-related behaviours among preschoolers in Malaysia: Feasibility of adapting the ToyBox-Study. (Grant: UK Medical Research Council (MR/P013805/1). Project in collaboration with: Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Durham University, Harokopio University, Athens, Greece, Roehampton University [lead])
“Treatnet Family Intervention” for adolescents with Substance Use Disorders: A Feasibility Study in Hanoi, Vietnam. (Project of the United Nations Office on Drug and Crime)
Protecting infants and toddlers from domestic violence: Development of a diagnostic protocol for infant and toddler abuse and neglect and its implementation to public health system (Grant: The European Commission: Directorate-General Justice; DAPHNE III)
Enhancing psychological well-being of pupils in transition from primary to secondary school (Grant: Funded by The Wandsworth Clinical Commissioning Group)